#MeldForThePlanet takes on plastic! How can we help?
And just like that, it's February! ✨ This month's theme in our #MeldForThePlanet series is, you've guessed it, plastic! It seems like an obvious thing to focus on when addressing environmental damage, but when you really delve into the facts about plastic, it becomes so apparent just how bad it really is.
So how does this apply to our little island of Ireland? Well, the latest data shows that 2019 was the third year in a row that we generated over 1 million tonnes of packaging waste. We did, however, meet all targets for recycling - at 62% it was down from 64% in 2018. In saying that, Ireland's plastic waste targets are ramping up from 2025 to improve our position. For example, targets for plastic recycling rates will increase to 50% by 2025.
What simple ways can we help though? Here are just a few things you can do to play your part in fighting the plastic waste problem:
✨Invest in a reusable water bottle and if you're someone who won't drink tap water, invest in a water filter jug too!
💗Buy resuable bags for shopping and leave them in the same place every time, so you remember them
💫Stop using clingfilm and start using reusable food containers
🐠Shop only loose fruit & veg - don't opt for the plastic packed ones.
❤️Make your own cleaning products in reusable bottles - cheaper and more environmentally sound!
💦Use bars of soap and shampoo, rather than plastic bottles
❤️Switch to reusable period products
🎈Avoid balloons! Self explanatory..
💄Avoid beauty products with “polypropylene” or “polyethylene” on the ingredients list
🌹Research plastics that can and can't be recycled and do it properly!
🍞Bake your own bread
Any more to add to this list? Comment below, we'd love to know!
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